Has anyone else noticed that the reinstatement of student loan payments, the end of the child tax credit, historic levels of nationwide inflation, Christmas, and any number of other various deep financial burdens on average American citizens, are all happening right at the same time that democrats are trying to jam a deal through congress that they SWEAR will make everything better for everyone?
Or is it just me and my oddbrain overthinkin’ shit again. 🤪
The Biden Legacy…
Puposefully dragged America to DemSoc Level 5 Suckery, so a DemSoc Level 4 Suckery agenda would seem like a gift to the vast Dumb-American demographic.
I hope Joe Mancin isn't suicidal...if ya know what I mean 😏
I did read that the deal is dead in the water - I hope it's true. But these days until somebody trustworthy (and there are few) says it it's all hearsay.