In light of the release of the J6 Trespassing Incident surveillance video this week…which has CLEEEEEEARLY established that the democrat party will absolutely lie to you and use any government agency at their disposal to manipulate facts to drive a narrative, or swing an election, or “cover ass" for one of their own…it seems to me that there are a lot of past scenarios which might do well with another going over, with a finer toothed comb, and a more objective eye, now that there's tangible video evidence that democrats are full of shit.
What “thing" still sticks in your throat that you want investigated for real this time?
A. Hillary Clinton's illegal email servers.
B. Hillary Clinton's Russian Collusion Hoax.
C. Hillary Clinton "selling" American Uranium to Russia.
D. The Clinton Foundation. The whole thing.
E. Hillary Clinton 'allegedly🙄' having Seth Rich killed.
F. Hillary Clinton 'allegedly🙄' having Jeffery Epstein killed.
G. Hillary Clinton 'allegedly🙄' getting three U.S. citizens killed in Benghazi, while 'allegedly🙄' having Christopher Stephens killed to cover a gun running operation.
H. Hillary Clinton 'allegedly🙄' having <insert name here> killed. (Sorry. There's only 26 letters.)
I. Hillary Clinton NOT having Webb Hubbell killed. 🤔
J. EEEEverything in Hunter Biden's laptop from 2014 to present.
K. All Of The Above.
L. Other
GO!!! 🤪
I want to know the entire (in detail) history of Barry Soetero and how he got involved with the prog/left, his mentor Frank Marshall Davis and the entire history of michelle obama. Which prog/left operative plucked this hapless nobody out of the mix and elevated him and paired him with valerie jarrett (if that is, in fact, her real name). Let's start with this bunch of unknown stuff.
K. All the way 😡