Full Transcript Of The Big Guy's Morning Presser From Bali, Indonesia!
PCS Nation! We take the pain, so you don't have to! 😉
"Good evening my fellow Armenians! Habba hooba heeba...ummmmm... <uncomfortable pause while Joe watches some Indonesian ghosts fly by> ummmmmmmmmmmmm... ummmmmmmmmmmm… <meds kick in> Oh, Yeah! I want to thank Jin Xiping and all the rest of you chinks for unleashing the CV Jeebies on America back in 1972 and allowing me to be elected to the senate!! <meds wear off> umm, err, umm, err… err, umm, err, umm... Climate Change!!! Isosceles Triangles!!! There’s No Place Like Home!!! errrrrrrr... <2nd wave booster meds kick in, but badly> ULTRAMEGASOOPERDOOPERNAGAMAGAWAGAREPUBLICANS!!! Kill ’Em All!!! KILL ‘EM ALL I SAY!!! Ummmm... THANK YOU!!! YES!!! YOU!!! <gets lost leaving stage>"
Scary part is that I can see this actually happening!
The only thing missing was the coughing into his hand like he do.