She is just the condesnsed version of what resides in every prog/left soul. It is a vile image and we need "The Orkin Man" to disinfect this nation if we want to save it because this type of hate is lethal. Joking about her without acting against her and her ilk is dangerous and allows them to continue their grab at control. Our first duty is to rid ourseves of rinos so that a real revolution can begin.
She wants to run against Trump again
Yes, she's crawling out of the woodwork again.
She is just the condesnsed version of what resides in every prog/left soul. It is a vile image and we need "The Orkin Man" to disinfect this nation if we want to save it because this type of hate is lethal. Joking about her without acting against her and her ilk is dangerous and allows them to continue their grab at control. Our first duty is to rid ourseves of rinos so that a real revolution can begin.
Her and her ilk have perfected lying to the public. I hope that's not construed as a complement.