It's been a minute since I last lit up Pennsylvania for what they did to America back in November.
Then I saw this Twitter thread from Fetterman's lunatic, freaky, traveling carny fortuneteller-esque wifebot on Twitter 😑…
Long Twitter thread short (you should still click it and read the whole thing), “My husband got sick…and I’m a psycho…so I panicked, packed up the car, fled the country into Canada, and took the kids ziplining. We had fun.”
Dear Pennsylvania,
This is the lunatic who will be inserted as a U.S. senator at some point because you elected her broken husband.
There is plenty of blame left for the GOP for running a terrible candidate.
But you did this. You. 😠
Your statehood should be revoked.
Your Pal,
Y'all see how it'd be an awful idea to ever let me be in charge, right? 😏
Is this any worse than Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) stating that "My fear is that the whole island (Guam) will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize," Yes, this brain trust is repeatedly returned to congress by the same braindead class of democrat morons that elected biden et al. What we have is a case of the inmates running the asylum...they are all nuts.