This is the meme that got me the 30 Day sentence in the Facebook gulag which changed everything.
I had earlier 30-day stints before it, but this one was “my line" on complying with Facebook's censorship, and made me their enemy.
This meme was lost when they shut down the original Planet Common Sense Facebook without warning a few months ago, but PCS'er Mary Ann Loar found it stashed away somewhere and sent it to me, and I'm posting it here symbolically, as a statement against social media tyranny, and a testament to the freedom of expression we can enjoy here on Substack as intelligent, self-sufficient American citizens.
HUUUUUGE thank you to Mary Ann for finding this. ❤❤❤
And by-the-bye…
This is what PCS Nation on Facebook got for this “round”. 😉
Supression on FB is the digital equivalent of the city tearing up the street and erecting barricades in front of your property. Not because the street needs repair, but just to be a dick.
Thanks Mary Ann! That is one of my favorites.