Inconvenient facts: arms dealer is a Ukraine born former KGB agent. Deal was brokered by the Saudi Crown Prince who was dropped from consideration as a murder suspect in the Kashoggi killing by FJB's DOJ just a couple days before the deal was completed. Ain't coincidental "you scratch my back..." just grand?
Pandering piece of sh*t appealing to the troglodytes who beg him for free stuff.
Inconvenient facts: arms dealer is a Ukraine born former KGB agent. Deal was brokered by the Saudi Crown Prince who was dropped from consideration as a murder suspect in the Kashoggi killing by FJB's DOJ just a couple days before the deal was completed. Ain't coincidental "you scratch my back..." just grand?
Freeing an arms dealer while we’re simultaneously pouring billions of dollars of arms unchecked into Europe. What could possibly go wrong?
Fast and Furious operation is child’s play.
Jackwad going w the global narrative to help the least marginalized person...pandering to the demons...