PCS Fam!
Tonight at 8:00 est PCS Nation is holding a LIVE Pre-New Year's Eve "party" on Twitter Spaces!
If you're not familiar with Twitter Spaces, it's a sub-platform on Twitter for live audio hosting, similar to what we've done on Facebook Live in the past, but with a huge difference in that the platform allows for up to a dozen people at a time to be in the app with us live and able to participate in the conversation in real time. There's no limit to how many people can be in the 'Space' and listen, but we can have up to 11 of you folks at a time mic’d up and involved in the conversation with us, and we'll switch folks in and out as we go so as many people as want to can get in the discussion.
This is also going to be the platform we'll be using to do our PCS Nation live shows from here on out...because faaaack Facebook for blocking us from doing live shows on their platform. We should be kicking those off starting next Friday, and with the full participation the Twitter Spaces platform offers, they could be WAY better than the live shows we did on Facebook.
If you're not following us on Twitter already ...which you SHOULD be 😑... you can find us at @PCSNationBitchz, then just watch for a notification about tonight's PCS New Year's Eve soiree later. If you're not on Twitter, and you enjoyed our live shows, now's a good time to reconsider jumping in. 😉
Looking forward to seeing everyone later!
This is one time where my priorities have to lie elsewhere. Julie and I have spent the past 37 New Years Eves together so..
Best wishes to everyone for a great party in cyber land!
Have fun!!