One Last Shred Of Hope For The Cynical?
Former Bidenspawn Associate Negotiating With GOP About Testifying Before Congress
You want a shred of hope for some genuine justice being restored to America and Joe Biden being held accountable for his corruption? Even if it's just a little? Even if it's a longshot?
The Biden Family's DOJ is never... EEEEver... in a vagillion years going after Joe Biden or his crackhead spawn or his grimy brother directly. The White House will just keep wheeling out Joe & Tootie to say the whole thing's a bunch of malarkey.
Then the state-run media will say "See! It's just a bunch of malarkey!"
Then the huddled unhinged masses clutching their mobile devices and waiting for their thinking orders will say "Oh. It's just a bunch of malarkey. 😦"
And that's all she wrote.
If the Biden Cartel ever does go down, it won't be by a sudden outbreak of 'Let's Do The Right Thing' in DC.
It'll be because one of the Bidenspawn's 'Crack, Hookers & Influence Peddling' buddies takes a deep breath, looks at the big picture, and says "Faaaaack these guys. I'm not going to federal prison for some shit those pampered political poodles will still be profiting from while I'm front-spooning on a metal cot for Big Floyd the Bank Robber.
Joe's..the...BIG...Guy! 👏...👏...👏👏👏!
Joe's..the...BIG...Guy! 👏...👏...👏👏👏!"
Then the 'legitimacy' of the witness on the American political stage makes the dems decisions about this folly of running an elderly, dementia-addled monkey who can barely walk or talk for re-election a lot easier, and they write him out of the script.
Then the good guys can start pecking away at that treasonous old grifter as a civilian... just like the Biden Family DOJ is setting precedent for right now.
That's how the Biden Crime family goes down.
"This is the way the corruption ends.
This is the way the corruption ends.
This is the way the corruption ends.
Not with a bang but with a self-
preservationist rat friend."
-T.S. Eliot (co-opted😏)
Ya gotta have something to hold onto, Fam. 😏
Link to an article below, or just Google it.
I heard it was Devin Archer. He better get out in front of this by telling everyone he's NOT SUICIDAL!!
He will be killed just like the others. Only way to take this pack of grifters out is by the hand of God.