Resident Joe Biden has announced that there are plans in the works to keep the Port of Los Angeles open 24/7, to help alleviate the huge back up of cargo ships at anchor in and around the port, and provide media-marketable optics that give the appearance that the White House Squatter administration is actually doing something about one of the numerous, massive international crisises they created.
(Editors note: Apparently Glitchy Joe and the squatters read their 'Your Pal Glen' letters. 😃)
Well good for Los Angeles!
And I suppose all the freighters stacked up outside Boston, New York, Delmarva and on down the eastern seaboard and around through the gulf, should just start heading for the Panama Canal now, huh Glitchy?
Oh, don't have anybody to truck cheap foreign-made consumer goods and electronics to the marketplace anyway. Sub-crisis #3A: Labor. My bad.
Maybe you can have Faucinstein reschedule Christmas for Mid-March or something.
Great Googly Moogly, I'm helping you and you're still gonna fuck it all up. 🙄
More on this latest developing "Bidening" catastrophe as it continues not helping anything at all.