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OH yeah... good luck getting Meritless Garland or any of his monkeys to help you enforce that citation
We'd all been locked up, even without parading into the hearing with a film crew and a band of circus performers to display how much contempt we really do have for the institution
I was physically ill watching that display of arrogance and assholery. 😡😡😡
AND - he came in to interrupt congressional proceedings.... isn't that "insurrection"?
Yes actually
Is congress still a circus when all they have is clowns? No lions, no dancing bears, no trapeze artists. Just clowns.
They have magicians.... make your money disappear
Why, yes it is, according to all Democrats, a few lousy Republicans, the media and Biden.
You and me both
5 minutes after he CHOSE not to show up that slimeball should have been in handcuffs
Republicans are USELESS IDIOTS
Hunter backtracks https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/jan/12/hunter-biden-backtracks-defiant-opposition-house-s/?utm_source=pushly&utm_campaign=pushnotify&utm_medium=subscriber&utm_id=desktop
OH yeah... good luck getting Meritless Garland or any of his monkeys to help you enforce that citation
We'd all been locked up, even without parading into the hearing with a film crew and a band of circus performers to display how much contempt we really do have for the institution
I was physically ill watching that display of arrogance and assholery. 😡😡😡
AND - he came in to interrupt congressional proceedings.... isn't that "insurrection"?
Yes actually
Is congress still a circus when all they have is clowns? No lions, no dancing bears, no trapeze artists. Just clowns.
They have magicians.... make your money disappear
Why, yes it is, according to all Democrats, a few lousy Republicans, the media and Biden.
You and me both
5 minutes after he CHOSE not to show up that slimeball should have been in handcuffs
Republicans are USELESS IDIOTS
Hunter backtracks https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/jan/12/hunter-biden-backtracks-defiant-opposition-house-s/?utm_source=pushly&utm_campaign=pushnotify&utm_medium=subscriber&utm_id=desktop