Dear DemSoc Overlords,
You bumbling dopes named a U.S. Transportation Secretary, who decided to go pick out a pair of twin babies, become a parent, and take two months off for "maternity" leave, right smack in the middle of your massive, out-of-control, 'consumer goods availability' sub-crisis, which is in large measure due to things not being able to be transported into and around the United States ...which is precisely what a U.S. transportation secretary is supposed to be there to make sure doesn't ever happen!
That's like Santa Claus taking off November and December...except without the "Mr. Milker Chest-Feeding Harness"!
You dumbasses couldn't just give Petey a shiny new Range Rover for getting out of the way for that busted-up, carbon-based stage prop you used as your candidate in the primaries?? Like normal corrupt powerwhore scumbellies would??
Y'all gave that useless commie muppet Bernie a whole facking beach house when HE rolled over for Cankles Clinton in 2016!!
Great Googly Moogly, does the "suck" ever end with you people?? 😑
C'mon, man...
Your pal,
You raise interesting questions Glen, it must be more of that Biden inflation.
You used to get a roll over for the low low price of a Land Rover or a beach house, but now under Biden, it cost a little more, especially with the dementia. That kind of capitulation doesn’t come cheap.
The Government probably paid for those twins. They got a deal on the 'two-fer' due to getting them at.the border as payment passage into New York. Really. Wouldn't surprise me one dam bit.😠