All part of the plan to destroy America & make their utopia. They just needed to find the stooge(s) to manipulate to do their dirty work.

It is already happening-just going to be on a grander scale. Hasn't anyone noticed that when they're talking about something, a product for example, ads start mysteriously showing up without searching?

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and where was the NSA the reads and records every conversation?

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it's bad enough that you must use a product like Express VPN just to keep your personal data secure but I would have my doubts about the IQ of ANYONE foolish enough to install alexa or siri on any of their devices. That is just an automatic - "are you frigging kidding me? put that on my computer???"

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Hmm, this almost makes it look like this was done intentionally đŸ¤”

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Either that or the ole democrat philosophy of never let a good crisis go to waste. Any excuse to be able to spy on us more than they already are.

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Just trying to cover their collective asses. They screwed up so badly that this can never be undone.

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Military Intelligence ... as long as it doesn't offend.

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I saw that guardsman's "official photo" on the news. Af uniform and eye make-up??? Definitely a tranny

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That explains why they didn't go in like a swat team and scare his Mama half to death.

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One of them... selected to take the fall to pretend they were doing something about something... talk about this so nobody talks about what mumbles said about it while on his disgrace our nation tour of Ireland/UK

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I'm reserving my judgement on this one. Was working at Fort Drum when that traitor Manning was caught and heard what the 10th MTN DIV soldiers had to say about him. This seems a little different so I want to learn more - this concerns Ukraine and a compromised president

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Everyone is talking about the act of the leak, not much talk about what was in the leak.

Biden has been a babbling idiot in Ireland while Hunter’s all smiles grabbing hands and working the room. Horrifying optics to the world. I believe we’re in grave danger, and no one seems to want to do anything about it.

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Glen, on a separate note...

Is the Twitter traffic down for the page? I'm asking bc I only went back on Twitter to follow this page & in the last week or so have 0 notifications of your tweets. I actually searched this morning to see what you had posted. Just wondering if it is only me?

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