I read where she said this is her last year. Spoke of "unity." Personally, I believe this is the Rinos' role to pound the last few nails in America's coffin.

They are A-Ok w the Ukraine $$ grift-- don't hear the GOP saying as a united group we gotta stop giving foreign countries our money when we are drowning in debt. No boy, won't hear that bc they have their special interests that line their pockets. I'm not hearing any action on the laptop, or anything else that may be potentially treasonous to our country. I'm not hearing anything about them attacking Barrybamas legislation allowing lying and propaganda in the media....there's so much they honestly could be doing to turn the country around for the better. And yes, I do know that we don't have the Senate for back up. However, if they were smart they would be having public hearings STAT on all of this bs & hardlining their terms for the debt ceiling w documentation to back it up..get Soros out of the country & seize his assets...when Tootie tells her pathetic lies...hold a counter press conference w the receipts....

Rant over....just so damn tired of this evil bs....I feel like my Dad when he would get upset because he worried about me and my kid....I'm just worried about my kid and all the kids...

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Oh yeah & why are people still being held and tried for j6? They should be fighting this...no one did sh** when the Capitol was taken over for Kavanaugh or any other time

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Every time I get call from any GOP organization asking for money I tell them that when they get rid of old rinos like McConnell, Snow. Romney etc I'll consider giving them more money, then I hang up abruptly (which is when I wish we still had phones with receivers that could be slammed down hard.)

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I think that election was rigged.

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