You need an act of congress to declare war.... but our congress don't act - so when corrupt Joe declares Martial Law by executive Order..... and suspends the elections.... it'll take years before more than a handful of republicans even notice.... So much for us being "the last best hope for mankind"

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Well they said Trump was going to do that during the plandemic so it’s probably why they don’t seem to have any effs to give over our displeasure with Biden. If they have the election, they’ll use abortion and pot to turn out the moron vote.

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Abortion pot and don't forget "Free Money". It's hard to compete when your counter offer is vote for me and you'll get NOTHING. Surely someone smarter than I am could figure out a way to message - there is no such thing as a "free" lunch

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This d-bag is as corrupt as any banana republic dictator. He only is concerned with the money laundering ending!

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