Maybe it’s time for this 81 year old RINO to retire. 🤞

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The song playing in my head right now is... The Culture Club, I'll Tumble For You.

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Disney's movies once taught children good virtues and manners - now they teach boys how to become girls.

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It was “The Thumper Rule” that Glen referenced. Such good lessons. Beyond disappointed with Disney.

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Yes, I remembered it from when I was a kid and saw the movie. Such wonderful movies he made, now they are trashy woke junk.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023

We all know...they can't or they won't go out gracefully. They all stay until they leave feet first! The power is too intoxicating to give up willingly.

This a**hat proclaiming that the J-6 committee's lies should not be exposed is preposterous.

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Another ancient one that should retire.

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