How many generations did they go back in defining 'family member'? Because I may have had an ancestor who fought in the French Revolution. Does that qualify?

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Having been told my DNA shows some heritiage of Gaulish France, I am looking for $5 million in reparations from Italy since Julius Caesar sent my ancestors off to slavery after conquering my homeland. It's just fair isn't it?

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Seems equitable to me. 🙂

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I don't know anyone who's been killed or injured by a gun. Except me, who pinched her hand putting a new clip in.

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That is some outrageous bullshit! I've been alive on this planet for 64 years; of all the people I know, of all the people I'm related to, I know zero people who have ever been wounded by a gun, much less killed.

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Apr 11, 2023·edited Apr 11, 2023

Isn't their source from the UK? so it's meaningless except as click bate. Maniplation of data and misinformation are the key tools of the prog/left media. Truth is an encumbrance to them most of the time so they make up whatever info they need because they know most of their viewers/readers are verging on illiteracy and won't know the difference.

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Please Elon, make it stop!

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The actual headline should read "One in five adults say they have personally been threatened with a gun." The poll was taken by the Kaiser Foundation.

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I had a gun pointed at me once years ago by a crazy boyfriend. Dumbfuk couldn't figure out how to get the safety off. His uncle was there and took it off of him and slapped the shit out of him. Was my gun and I had it hid so he must have been hunting for it. Had nothing to do with him after that.

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So glad you rid yourself of potential tragedy. People who play with guns around others are insane. I grew up in Maryland where trucks had a Lab and rifle in the cab. Hunting season from September through February for deer, geese, dove, etc. no incidents.

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Between my siblings, me and their kids, we have 24 adults. I know one high school friend that was killed with a gun about 40 years ago. Someone out there knows a lot of people killed with guns to take up our numbers.

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One person is killed by a gun, and he had 35 family members. That’s thirty five people who lost a family member by gun violence. So I guess they’re probably counting parents, siblings, spouses of siblings, nieces, nephews, great aunt Sally and uncle Mo, all the cousins spouses, children of cousins.....and still only one dead guy.

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I saw a movie once where one of the characters was killed by a person with a gun. I'm pretty sure they are confusing real life and make believe. But until we can account for all the relatives of these 30,000,000 victims, we should ban guns in movies.

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