I had to look up who this twit was - not in my radar of necessary people to know about. I found this: "Lorenz claimed in a Substack post that Twitter CEO Elon Musk was directly involved in the suspension." I struck me that she is an AOC wanna be or at least hewn from the same diseased tree. I agree she would be up there with the members of "The View" as useless purveyors of lies and misinformation and critical hags who are angry at the world and exude that anger via inappropriate rants against anything they dislike. I am afraid, though, that she is just one of a vast overstock of the useless in our society and especially our media/education industries.

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You said it perfectly!!!!

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thank you

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I have no idea how nessesary she might be. She supposedly speaks English, but I can barely understand a word she says.

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No one cares except her small circle of SJW's/journalists that piss and moan about how horrible life is in our country. As my Mother, RIP told me innumerable times as a child..."you have the same clothes to get glad in". 🤣🤣🤣

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Since I have no idea who she is,and I am sure I am not the only one, I guess she is very unnecessary.

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No argument against that statement.

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I don't agree with censorship but I find it kinda fun to watch them cry about it since they didn't care until it was them.

They were all YAY censorship when actual factual information was being censored.

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I'm wondering if I should learn about who she thinks she is... nah.

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Definitely unnecessary and from the picture I'm assuming she's just another crybaby libtard that melts down and has a hissy fit if she doesn't get her way. Boo Hoo. Go away.

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The fun part about it is this one took pleasure in harassing and doxxing people for ideological differences.

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