They should not be allowed out until they have elected a speaker. Chain them to their desks!!!!!

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023

No, they can't try to choke each other that way. Chain all the doors to the chamber shut. No one goes in and no one goes out until they pick a speaker. Oh, and no meals.

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Love your idea!

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If I had neglected my duties the way these clowns do I would have been fired. But we just keep re-electing the same fools, over and over again.

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Vet. Every. Candidate. Enough is enough! Primary every RINO who refused to vote for Jim Jordan!

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The original 8 need to face the primary challenge of their lives.... Unfortunately.... I live where we will probably have no primary and I will be stuck settling for just not voting for Matt Gaetz in November.... but I can HOPE!

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We could have a speaker in at most... 9 votes

Lock every GOP Rep in a room.... everyone votes their "secret ballot".... whoever (of the 9 who claim now to want the job) get's the fewest votes drops out. Nobody gets 217 - do it all again with the remaining 8. Same rule, last place drops out. No potty breaks - No Lunch - No standing in front of a media camera - vote again. Eventually someone gets to 217, then everyone can go join the line for the porta potties and announce there are enough votes and the funny looking guy with the bow tie can call the whole house into session and make this shit happen

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