
Management Note...

Substack gets it.

Twitter gets it.

Truth Social gets it.

Facebook fails Sarcasm 101, gets pissed about the 'MAGA Republican' part, and calls me a homeless looking asshole with manboobs.

This is why I don't post directly on Facebook anymore.

I regret nothing. 😑

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I'm not buying the bs. How do we know it wasn't a drunken tryst gone wrong??

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We would easily know that right now, except Nancy refuses to release the home surveillance video that shows exactly what happened.

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Right? And you know that if/when it gets released, there will be glitches where the editing was done

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

because all the prog/left media has already told us what it is...now just move on, nothing to see here.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

This will become, not the sympathy jag that the desperate dems hoped for, but an urban legend that will live far into the future. Oh, the nitwits will still vote dem and the Pope will turn a blind eye to nancy and her "nancy-boy" husband when biden gives her the ambassadorship to Italy when the republicans take over the house and she retires (if she isn't voted out of her seat first). All in all, this is a sordid little event that has taken on a life of its own.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

Apparently we need to take up a collection for these poor millionaires to at least have adt security for their house. ….. 🙄

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

All good here. Of course I am not stupid enough to let some crazy guy in my house esp if I had cameras all over the place. Which I don’t but if I did…..

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

Nancy had to watch the video of Paul's bi-Pal tea bag the corrupt old dude. This must be a meme artists dream scenario.

All of the sympathy letters from members of Congress are like reading the funny papers! Sad and corrupt can both be equally true. Poor Paul shit-the-bed AGAIN!


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