We're doomed. We'll never make it.

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The man has been a grifting sleazeball from the get-go. How the DE morons kept returning him to office is beyond me. He has proven himself unworthy of any public service for so long that this mere mental degeneration is not really significant when stacked up against his other egregious actions for the past half century.

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Excellent post. The day it was confirmed he won the election, I was in a dept., store in Delaware. People were so upset and fearful that the store personnel just listened to them vent. Men who have watched biden for years call him a pathological liar. The stories he tells are so ridiculous. He plagiarized Robert Kennedy’s speeches and others word for word. Obama said Biden will F up anything.

He failed 3rd grade and barely passed any grade through college.

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I cannot understand how he could, legitimately, win electrion after election. Our election system MUST require in person with a valid ID voting to stop this sort of thing. If they can track when I deposit more that $600, they can track voter fraud.

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Scranton Joe could be the original poster child for the current DEI standards for hiring, especially Congressional positions. Sadly our Congress is riddled with jackholes, no joke!

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