Aug 22, 2023Liked by PCS Nation

Pathetic that this mess of carbon and mis-firing synapses is the supposed 'leader of the free world'!. Man, that's a pile of malarkey!


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Aug 22, 2023Liked by PCS Nation

You know... if they ever do send Joe to prison, the ACLU will file a class action suit on behalf of all the inmates he comes in contact with complaining of cruel and unusual punishment.... which I don't normally have a problem with if the punishment fits the crime... but anybody locked up with and having to listen to this fool drone on with his made up stories.... I'd sympathize with

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Forget it.

They'll never find him fit to stand trial.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by PCS Nation

Yet they let him be President. It's kind of like Feinstein who can't handle her own money, but is allowed to vote to waste ours.

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It was obvious he didn't care about the people of Hawaii. I hope they can get some help!

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