First things that would happen....

- users would have a decent chance of knowing what they were ingesting into their bodies

- people suffering from the ill effects of drug use would be able to report for medical attention and be honest about what they did and what effect it is having on them

- dealers (wanting to maintain licensing) would not be at the schoolyard asking kids "wanna get high?"

- friends and families of victims who OD'd would have legal recourse against the maker/seller/distributer

- corrupt police/judges/prosecutors would have to learn to survive on their legitimate sources of income

- drug cartels would lose some of the income they rely on to buy protection from corrupt police/judges/prosecutors

- and maybe the average citizen would be safe in heir own neighborhood for a change

But other than that - I really have not thought about or formed an opinion about legalizing drugs

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People under the influence would vote 🤦‍♀️

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Oh.... and did I mention??? Governments would see a significant increase in tax revenues and law enforcement resources could be used to keep criminals off the street instead of wasting time on petty drug offenses

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They overspend their projected revenues and created more deficits.

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All eye3 can say is a mere 10 mg capsule swallowed once or rarely twice a day of Sativa really opens a mind up to find the crystalline interior...nudge winkwink❤️

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My libertarian side is like “you do you.” My conservative side is screaming “Nooooo!”

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In CA I voted against legal pot for the very reasons that proved to be true.

Our GOV and every state and local agency started spending like drunk sailors on leave. Their revenue projections fell miles short due to the red tape to become compliant and the 25% tax on retail sales. To add insult to injury the FED disallowed the banks to due biz with the pot shops.

If the gubmint gets involved they manage to f-up in every imagined way.

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The only way it will be legalized on a large scale is if the gov can find a way to obtain ridiculous amounts of revenue from it and not spend it on anything for the greater good.

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