
It's best for all parties involved.

If that's important enough for you to mention to a prospective employer, it's important enough for you to "correct" one of my customers.

Then you'd be instamatically fired anyway. 😃

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I agree. You’re just asking- no, begging- for trouble. May as well just go ahead and shoot yourself in the foot.

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Not a chance. If they are that concerned with their "pronouns" I know the job is not going to be their priority. And they'll be nothing but trouble. In my last job I managed a large office. One of my subordinates hired a young man who showed up for the interview wearing a skirt. Really flamboyant. He couldn't wait to inform his new coworkers about his plans to become female then got a pissy attitude when they asked questions and ran to HR. I might have worked another year or so but this was one of the factors that caused me to bail as soon as I was eligible. A few extra bucks in the monthly pension check wasn't worth the stress!

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Never! My business, if I had one, would have a certain set of standards and they/them ain’t it!

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I'm with Glen on that one. I'm too old to even try to remember pronouns that don't describe what my eyes see, and most of these people seem to have hissy fits if you don't get it right or try but slip up.

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I'm the sole proprietor of a business that does not ever want an employee AND I don't like the prick that owns it! So, pronouns....🙄🤣

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My response: Your pronouns are they / them? Funny mine are No / Way

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I refuse to participate in their delusional fantasies. The only pronoun they will get from me is ‘it’.

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