Republicans never pass up an opportunity to pass up an opportunity. This will be no different. 😒

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snatching defeat from the jaws of victory time and time again

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Keep in mind.... in New Jersey, Chris Christi is considered a Republican

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The problem is that the republicans are just playing their role in an agenda against the people and for their own power. None of them have any intention of doing anything to solve anything. Just look at how the republicans sign onto to these ‘bipartisan’ bills.

If I had any doubt about it before, they funded the entire democrat agenda before the republicans pried the House gavel out of that drunken-bat, Nancy’s cold, yet not quite dead’s hand.

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The Republicans are just controlled opposition without a spine. Expect nothing from them and you won't be disappointed.

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He just announced he's running for re-election. If he goes to jail his tall ugly bleach blonde wife can take his seat.

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