This is so, so true. There’s an author, (Mrs) Taylor Caldwell that I love. She started writing at age 12 and continued to her death in 1977 I believe. My favorite, A Pillar of Iron, is a historical fiction on the life of Marcus T Cicero. Her descriptions of Ancient Rome is an exact description of todays world. And in the forward of another book, set in early 1900’s in America, she talks of a ‘secret, world society’ that are the actual leaders of all this chaos and who orchestrate wars to further their power. (There’s always a protagonist who is trying to either straighten society out, or just keep himself and his family straight. I recommend ANY of her books, starting with Pillar of Iron.

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That would be the bureaucracy. Unelected officials who are never held accountable.

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The branch that the banks run.

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