I see that the NYT has finally admitted that the hunter biden lap top really exists and is as bad as the NY Post said it was. How about that, and I wonder just what the President of Ukraine has to say about that. This Ukraine mess is deeper and darker than what the happy press wants us to think. What with the blue and yellow flag waving and Google, this morning, asking me if I wanted to contribute Ukrainian relief when I opened my Gmail you would think this is a black and white them vs us, evil empire vs bright and shiny America sort of adventure. No, we have a greatly compromised occupier of the white house with little credibility on any side of this equation and a cackling ho in the wings should something go amiss. Despite the green beer and all, I am not feeling all that happy this St Patrick's Day.
I see that the NYT has finally admitted that the hunter biden lap top really exists and is as bad as the NY Post said it was. How about that, and I wonder just what the President of Ukraine has to say about that. This Ukraine mess is deeper and darker than what the happy press wants us to think. What with the blue and yellow flag waving and Google, this morning, asking me if I wanted to contribute Ukrainian relief when I opened my Gmail you would think this is a black and white them vs us, evil empire vs bright and shiny America sort of adventure. No, we have a greatly compromised occupier of the white house with little credibility on any side of this equation and a cackling ho in the wings should something go amiss. Despite the green beer and all, I am not feeling all that happy this St Patrick's Day.