And take "Speaker" off your TwiXter handle you old Botoxed bat

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They should have seized all the phones that day of congress and senate as I wouldn't be surprised if both sides had a hand in it. Many cases of TDS...all for hate which is ironic bc the lefties and rinos claim to be love and tolerance. Sadly, the puppet media will never, ever let the real truth get out there to those that need to soak in it. Did ya see...now Jill has to lead Joe off the campaign stage??? Somehow w his "fraud network" he will do well in 24. Only a miracle can save this ship.

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Is it too soon to ask..."when will she be lying in state?"

Inquiring minds would like to know.

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Shes been "lying" for years.

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My uncle sent me this:

SaltyGoat (@SaltyGoat17) posted at 6:03 PM on Sat, Jan 06, 2024:

So y'all wanna see why they never wanted the J6 footage released?

THIS👇🏼 is a 4 minute clip from the West Tunnel at the Capital. It shows a completely different story than the one you probably saw on the news!!

Victoria White, 39 year old single mother, BEATEN by 3-4 cops… https://t.co/cF0R4VzxUh


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There will be real carnage from the next "insurrection" (Antifa style) if DJT is elected in November... and I am sure there will be NO "J6 Committee II" wringing hands over our "lost democracy"

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