Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen human eggs fall under the new abortion law and cannot be destroyed. Out of an "abundance of caution" some of the places providing IVF decided to stop.

In other words, FJB has decided to tie it to what he thinks is his game winning issue: abortion. Sad when murdering kids is your hope for victory in November.

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Because we are allowing them to set the agenda.

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Absolutely. Time to make the narrative all about the border and the theft of our tax dollars being laundered I Ukraine. Can the Republicans get some damn balls???

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I would hope so, but they have grown comfortable with snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

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Don’t know that we’re allowing it per se, but they control pretty much all of the news outlets and they decide what we see and how we see it. I’m not sure what can be done about that.

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I sure as hell don't know. Of ALL the problems we have, IVF really isn't in my top 10 or 20..

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Shiny object over here..... don't look over there.... we don't have any answer for that.

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Yeah, stupid.

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For some reason I watched the movie MIB the other nite.

The memory flash device seems eerily like the dim/prog. propaganda machine.

The Big Guy is a victim of elder abuse, can we somehow get his mummified remains out of office?

Asking for concerned Citizens everywhere.


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