Had to be a teacher that complained. No average middle schooler has any idea what the Gasden flag is and would probably think it was a cool snake. An easily offended lib teacher on the other hand?

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Apparently the teacher had about the same amount of knowledge as an average middle schooler.

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This middle schooler actually did know the meaning of the flag, while his so called educators had no clue.

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I figured he knew what the flag was, but there was likely no way another student thought they knew about it to complain. A lefty teacher? Absolutely.

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"Educator" got educated. By a 12-year-old! I guess the indoctrinator training center that bestowed her degree didn't offer any history classes.

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Could someone remind me.... which side is trying to ban speech/books/history/free marketplace of ideas?????

And oh yeah - Hoo Ray for the Good Guys

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That school is so f'ing ignorant by saying the Gadsden flag is a symbol of slavery. On the contrary, it dates back to the Revolutionary War. Faacking idiots are teaching our kids.

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