We have to keep in mind that those who adhere to the prog/left party are, already, of a hive mentality that keeps them subservient to the leader of the hive for their continued sense of protection and survival (don't all prog/leftists believe in a government that provides everything for the citizen) and will stick to the group like fire ants attacking an enemy. Republicans - by their original definition - are formed of individuals who believe in freedom of personal expression (hence the Bill of Rights) and are much less willing to subsume to the group. What we are witnessing is our Constitution in action but we have been so conditioned to expect just polite lip service and then acquiescence for pork and therein lies the shame of all this.

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As bad as it looks, I kind of like the “transparency” of the public brawl. We can see where they all stand.

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I share that sentiment. How many Dems swore they’d never vote for Pelosi, but then did?

They managed to further their green agenda in exchange for their votes.

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