It never ceases to amaze me how these Leftist Mayors & Governors destroy a state and instead of saying - hey this isn’t working, let’s try something different. They DOUBLE down on their asinine policies

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As long as the legacy media will support their claim that it is all due to those big bad conservatives (republicans, MAGA extremists, anyone who thinks for themselves or believes their own lying eyes) - they will get reelected so why change????

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Any red-blooded Americans, aka Conservatives, living in Liberal shitholes should immediately relocate to a swing state. Wisconsin will welcome your contribution to firming up our Red status.

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How can they vote for absolute idiots to be mayor?

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Wait a minute!!!... (saying the quiet part out loud) the Governor said businesses have nothing to worry about doing business in NY since they will be treated different than is The Trump Family

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Such a sad state of affairs.

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Florida has been welcoming fed up NY conservatives ever since FJB was installed as president. A high percentage of my new neighbors have fled NY and are keeping Florida bright red!

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