I truly don’t understand the American

Voter. How do you keep voting for someone that is so incredibly inept at her job?

This isn’t High School people and you aren’t voting for Student Council or Prom

King & Queen.

It’s time to grow up and vote for people that want to preserve and save this great nation

I fear that the younger generation has been dumbed down by social media and self worth comes from how many “likes” one gets on an hourly basis.

A generation of narcissistic and entitled people that are destroying EVERYTHING

God help us

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Well, the crowd wanted Barabas, and here we are 2000 years later, still choosing the criminals.

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I can’t like your comment enough!! So true!!

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If people didn't just vote on party line or name recognition DE would have booted JRB years ago and we wouldn't be in the mess we're dealing with now. He did nothing as a senator and was a known liar and plagiarist, but they kept just sending him back.

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He associated with Klansmen, voted against bussing and for school segregation, pushed the no tolerance crime act to lock up more black men than ever before - then ran for president calling DJT the racist in the race --- yeah... that happened.... and "Uncle" James Clyburn has some 'splainin' to do

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Excellent. He did nothing for Delaware. He is known all over state as pathological liar.

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He can't help himself.... "I rode the train across this bridge many times" Fact checkers anywhere????

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Excellent comment!

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She is literally an idiot.

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There's lots of things she don't understand

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