Mike Rowe could come and explain any number of dirty jobs, tell them how much they’d get paid and encourage them all to skip college. T8me would be much better spent doing that.

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Never ever look into the pit. 🤢

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The ONLY purpose of education is to train the mind to learn and educate itself. No agendas, no sports, no frivolous use of taxpayer's dollars. Just expand young minds to the treasure trove of information and develope a desire to learn and seek knowledge. Anything else is superfluous.

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I’m always amazed at the things that concern you! 😂😂

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I was a squatter before squattin was cool

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You did not want to be at ACL the year Dave Matthews headlined. It rained all weekend and the whole park had been replanted, especially for the event. (previous year’s drought and heat killed lawn)

We arrived Friday with gorgeous weather and the park looked gorgeous.

They planted it on dillo dirt. If you don’t know, look it up.

It rained. All the new sod was trampled and ruined and the dillo dirt became like quick sand, consuming footwear except galoshes and sneakers. People barefoot traipsing through the dillo like it was Woodstock. Rolling around in it, smearing it on their bodies and the porta potties were covered with dillo inside and out. It was everywhere. So gross.

Back at the hotel, guests had to bag their shoes, and hose off outside before entering the hotel. They set up a whole wash station. To say it was memorable is an understatement. 😂

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