And surprisingly it is still single.

In all honesty, thank you as this is a good thing for when I'm looking in the mirror and having a horrible self esteem day & not liking how I got the genetic reject parts - I may be the ugliest in my family but at least I look way better than this creature.

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I know what you mean about the genetic lottery. Dad's side the men are all short but have perfect eyesight and hearing and keep all their hair. Mom's side they are all tall, but they all had vision and hearing trouble and were bald by age 50. Give you 3 guesses about me?

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My Dad's name was Bob!

My Dad was over 6' and dark Italian skin, hair and eyes...my Mom was short Italian w dark hair and eyes but fair skin...my Mom had small features my Dad was big and solid...all my cousins on my Dad's side are petite boned even if they are a bit tall...on my Mom's side the same thing...on both sides I got the reject genetic genes...I wasn't as heavy as I am now (age & genetic medical issues plus injuries) but to give you an example my cousins on both sides wore btwn sz 0-6 for clothes growing up and into adulthood & I was a sz 10-16 & they ate 2-3xs more than I ever did! I told my husband when he proposed he might want to wait & check out my single cousins bc they are stunners & I am the dog of the family. Seriously...

So I get it. And I wasn't being mean laughing at this young creature or feeling that I looked better...

This video is a perfect example of the rampant mental illness situation that is taking over our country disguised as educational and acceptance. God, please send Your Angels to help us!

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Oh, I totally agree with you! I was laughing at myself by describing the situation. I was fortunate to have a very healthy sense of my own worth growing up and I am blessed with above average intelligence. The fact that due to my dad's career choice we moved every 3 to 5 years was both a blessing and a curse. I got a fresh start every few years. The downside was that I have nobody other than family that I can claim as lifetime friends. It's a tradeoff I'm okay with. You are right about the mental illness in the world. What normal people used to condemn has been mainstreamed. And for every inch of acceptance we give a mile more is demanded. God's help is surely needed. Have a great day!

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You as well!

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Aagghh! You should have put a warning sticker! 😃

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What the hell is with the sideburns or whatever that is? She has potential to be reasonably attractive and then purposely does that to herself, why?

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Is that a wedding band on her hand? Her significant other has got to be an equally weird lesbian, right?

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She's married to B.O.B.

battery operated boyfriend

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I thought his name was Buzz.

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I'm stealing that one! 😃

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I think that's a "promise ring" that will be sadly forever unfulfilled! 😏

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