Donald Trump was no less a president than any other. If that's where he would want to buried, than he should be. Having said that, I'm sure his family has a beautiful, private spot where he would prefer to be. Also, why would he leave his grave open to be desecrated by unhinged lefties?

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Has he ever even asked for that to happen? Do all Presidents qualify for that honor? What about family members? Why would he want to be buried away from any family? These people project everything they want.

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If I were President Trump, I'd ask to be cremated, and have a teaspoon scattered on every lawn of my worst detractors, including this lunatic. That way they'll never be rid of him, and would continue to live rent-free in those tortured, vapid skulls of theirs.

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I like the way you think.

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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.


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Who sits around and thinks about something like this? Get a life AND a job if you don't have one!

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Did he serve in the Armed Forces? Does commander-in-chief count? Let’s get wrapped about something that truly matters maybe I don’t know???

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While our nation descends into chaos and ruin these nitwits worry about how much venom they can spew (perhaps their prog/left masters pay them by the ounce). Tools - duped and brainwashed tools for those who despise their dirty sorry behinds for being useful idiots but well worth their sorry state for the ankle-bitters that they are.

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First of all and nothing else matters 🇺🇸 it’s the office of the presidency your talking about and when you insult o bama , bush, Biden or Trump you’re insulting the office of the most generous people on earth President so hold your drug and alcohol problems mouths and respect the office and leave the British tabloid gossip the tv

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