…and I can't find a single one where her head isn't awkwardly cocked to one side or the other like a 1980's JC Penney mannequin. Even when she's staring right at the camera it's awkwardly cocked.
She's animatronic. Disney's in on this. I KNEW it! 😳
Also…I used the Camp Lejeune meme in case anybody missed it the other day. It's pretty much the official PCS Fetterman Post cover shot now. 😄
There are a lot of photos of Gisele on google images. Apparently she's known for posting photos of her and John, but cutting off his head so that the focus is on her. Yep, when he strokes out, she's for sure counting on taking his place.
Management note...
I feel like I need to apologize for saying "awkwardly cocked" in a post about John Fetterman.
Sorry. 😏
Management note, Deux...
And now I feel like I need to apologize for putting an awful image into a bunch of completely innocent decent people's heads. 😆
Oh, I LOVE that Camp Lejune meme! That’s the best yet. Either that or him with a sling blade……
There are a lot of photos of Gisele on google images. Apparently she's known for posting photos of her and John, but cutting off his head so that the focus is on her. Yep, when he strokes out, she's for sure counting on taking his place.
Idk if you found one or not but I sent my personal fav
A local radio host (in Philadelphia) refers to her as Yoko Ono Fetterman. And apparently she feels that the right hates (strong) women https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3744676-gisele-barrette-fetterman-the-right-wing-hates-women/