I don’t have a problem with what’s going on. That handful of populous representatives are a symbol of many of us who are sick and tired of business as usual. Our last two Speakers were swampublican assholes. Ryan was a huge problem for the Trump agenda.

I doubt the average American even cares or follows this as closely as we do. If we can’t vote to repeal all the IRS agents until a few more days, so what?

Don’t forget Matt was targeted for a smear campaign, and he got nothing from the party. I don’t blame him one bit.

None of these people even mention our political prisoners being kept in the dungeon of federal prison in deplorable conditions, deprived of the rights other prisoners maintain.

They can all go to hell. I’m glad they’re being a headache. I can wait.

I do think McCarthy will prevail anyway. Hopefully we get something for it.

Our elected representatives clearly are not on our side anyway.

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I am in total agreement with you.

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He may appear the asshole but he is doing what the Constitution requires of him, holding to the will of the people who elected him - the ones he REPRESENTS. That is what a Federal Republic is. We are not a democracy. The democrat prog/left use the tools of democracy and work as a hive mentallity. The problem is not what Gaetz is doing as it is the long term manipulation of stupid people to think and act as if we were a democracy. Sure, I hope, under the current situation, that the GOP comes together and picks Scalice as Speaker but Gaetz is standing up for conservative concepts about how this government should work.

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He's as tired of the same old bullsh/t as we are.

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And not in a good way of being an asshole.

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He is putting his demands in the open which is great since the McCarthy truth is giving air 💨 and nothing else

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