They aren't so much anti-vax” as they are “anti-dead.” 🤷‍♀️

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And yet they are still using celebs to make commercials pushing the vax because everyone is still going to get the rona and die. The one I saw this morning said over 200 million Americans are at risk of a bad case of covid. Yeah, right, 2/3s of the country is at risk for something kills less than 1% of those that get it. Give me a flipping break.

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Did you see the Martha Stewart commercial? Look it up on YouTube if not. It's hilarious and disgusting at the same time.

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The new hate group for the prog/left PURE BLOODS.

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That's what I refer to myself as ~ 100% pure blood and FREE!

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So I saw this question today, I think on Gab...

Where's the sudden death counter? Every day under trump there was daily updates on how many people died from cvd?

Glen, you're far too polite telling them to just kiss your a** in the middle! My family, would say kiss my a** right after ....

They need to kiss your a** and 100s of thousands more in the middle of Times Square w Kate Smith's "God Bless America" playing.

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But they’re still pushing it.

My doctor asked me if I was vaccinated. I said, no. She said that’s what I would have thought, and that was it! Lol

I’ve been with her a long time. She knows I read a lot of medical crap, and I am not talking about WebMD. I’m talking data, and studies. Show me the science, and if you can’t show me, you’re lying.

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Pucker up 😚( * )

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