Mar 20, 2022Liked by PCS Nation


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Mar 20, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

I belong to a couple cat groups CATalog and Love Meow Meow. I like the pictures and it's a relaxation thing. I make a comment about a photo and I get: Hello lovely lady. Forgive for intruding on your day but I find your comments so beautiful and eloquent. I'm new her I'm hoping you would be kind enough to send me a friend request so we can get to know each other better...or something similar. If you look at the profile there's a pic of fairly good looking man and NOTHING else. And then when you go back and scroll thru other comments he (or whatever) has sent the exact same thing to a couple dozen other female commenters. 🙄

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Fauxbroke lies to me on a regular basis. They have a team of flakes telling me my facts aren’t their truths. When I posted there fakkshuckers are clueless and thay are a platform, not a publishef, their pinheads exploded.

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

Totally sucks! If it makes a difference, I get the same crap if I make a comment or reply to a lefthole on a number of sites. VA, for example. Only saving grace for me is the scammers end up on my spam account on messenger. Which I only have because I don't give out my cell number to people who are fb "friends" that I don't know personally. Good luck. SS! and so on.

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

I haven't noticed any change at all, except them telling me I can boost posts for $×× of money, to reach 430 more people which is crap.

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Hey, ya’ll, Steve Harvey liked my comment! 😂😂😂😂

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

Haha! Just this morning I got a friend request from a white military looking fellow in Dubai who had two or three posts on his page, telling me what and attractive girlie I was and interesting too! I didn't respond.

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Heh. I've been on a 90-day restriction since last November! Apparently their fact checkers think my opinions are not facts!

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