Just the fact that a Niki Minaj exists in the public discourse speaks volumes about why we are stuck with this sack of decaying gray matter.

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Nicki sang it first, then ole sniffy got it stuck in his 2 brain cells and well, that's all folks.

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How about Joe singing it because it got stuck in his head and he can't get it out?

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Oh it's Niki all right. Gweilo Biden would NEVER call the HOTUS a ho. He thinks she's doin' a SWELL job. She learned him that the Ukraine is a country that exists in Europe.

And she's nice looking, clean and articulate to boot. 😐

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B. It has to be Nicki's lyrics because I believe Joe has been told that HOTUS is doing a stupendous "job" on the world stage.....AANNND 1000 mark blowies back stage! 😯😎

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Golly - this is a tough one

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