To the far left, is there a difference between partying and protesting? I'm willing to bet there will be lots of fire and bottle throwing in either case.

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What a jackass!!!🤣🤣🤣

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Their wet dreams, how sad. They don't realize that, aside from their enslaved base of welfare addicts, most everyone else knows this is a winning move for the right. Why oh why does the prog not see through his delusion. (and by welfare addicts I also include all government funded academics, unionized goverenment workers and every bureaucrat ever existing all sucking at the taxpayer funded teat).

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I’m going to put it all on option 2

I’m ready for some new photos of Leftists losing their marbles. It should be quite entertaining indeed!!!

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Over under being 1. How many of these legal proceedings will be worth the time and effort?

I'm betting the Under

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