Neil must have a PHD in stupidity!! 🤣🤣

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Couple of tweet thoughts, what will Neil the science guy say when Dems start dropping like flies after all their jabs and boosters? Second, what kind of loan does Cherry have that forgiving $10,000 puts $1000 a month in his pocket? That is some seriously usurious interest he’s being charged, I call BS.

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This is all the way off topic. I’m having conflicting thoughts on Trump.

It seems there’s unity between the left and right and they’re queuing up to gather on the Capitol steps for a rousing octogenarian rendition of Ding, Dong, the Don is dead. It makes me highly suspicious.

I also note the talking heads solemnly discussing how terrible it would be for the Republican Party if Trump enters the race. Those are democrats too saying that. What the democrats are NOT saying is we hope he gets in because it would be a landslide for us.

I guess I will just have to be patient as it unfolds.

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The reigning octogenarians need to retire and enjoy the few years they have left with their poor grandchildren. #giveitupalready

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Hey Cherry, nobody gives a Faaak about your sorry pathetic self.


The taxpayers of America 🇺🇸

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Is that a fidget spinner 🤣

My grandkids liked those for about 5 minutes 5 years ago. 🤣🤣

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NDG is arguing that conservatives are more targeted than liberals? Hm, that may have been the intention, but was it the result?

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