They will latch on to one little thing that's partially true and happened without any White House intervention and pat themselves on the back while the country crumbles around them. The uneducated sheeple that only get their news from MSM are happy and think he's a good president. That said, with 63% NOT wanting him to seek reelection, I think some of the sheep are wising up.

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But *if* Biden is the nominee, will all the Dems who don't want him to run still fall in line and vote for him? Unfortunately, probably, since he has a D after his name.

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No doubt. If Trump is the nominee TDS will take over and they'd for someone in coma before him. If it's someone else they might consider it. Just my opinion

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That's why I'm concerned about Trump becoming the nominee

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I think about that too, but I still think Trump is the person that would align best with what I want in a President. I pray it won't be a liability.

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You know Tootie would not respond to such slander/truths. Why even pose the question, no one is home to provide a legit answer. Time to start taking action and making these thugs accountable to "We the Poeple".

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A series of propaganda perpetrated on the abused citizens of america over and over we're nothing makes sense №🫘 just a lot of financial parasites preaching about and talking about what they are prevented from doing because laws they create prevent people from living in safe and sane environments of knowledge and production of enhanced citizenship were education, transportation, and financial equality are the stables of society instead of this propaganda passed on daily ⏳

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But, hey, we can rebook for free! Wow, what a deal! $10 a dozen eggs are totally worth it! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

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Sorry, hit send b4 I finished...

Has anyone seen the tweets claiming/alleging that Fetterman is brain dead and they're not saying anything bc they know they'll lose the seat?

Crazy crap...

Happy Sunday.

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So pathetic....especially his priorities

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