Mar 7, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

I think the best motivation is watching Nancy cry.

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I don't think that's made in Russia...

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

Our drunk SOTH only drinks and kisses French.....thank you very FAACKING much!! 🀨

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That chyt has already been paid for. Thank your Union Teachers.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

Are we going to stop eating Chinese takeout when Xi invades Taiwan?

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Mar 7, 2022Β·edited Mar 7, 2022Author

I'm not speaking badly of anyone here, I'm just speaking street truth as I see it...

My Chinese restaurant is smack in the middle of a low-income black neighborhood

Those two demographics typically aren't very neighborly to each other in the best of circumstances.

These folks disappeared for 6 months during the CV Jeebies, presumably for self preservation.

I may end up cut off from the supply chain anyway.

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I also note that while grandstanders are pouring out vodka, they are quite happy burning Russian oil in their cars.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

Good question πŸ€”

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

So the "Russian" vodka already on the shelves here is bought and paid for. So let's dump it all out and then we buy more from Russia.

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Dumping out that booze isn't going to be as painful as shutting off all that oil, especially when you learn that we will now buy it from Iran (you know, obama's good buddies).

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