Jun 4, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

My business that I started in 2003 was custom picture framing that soon became an awards and framed military memorabilia and gifts store because of our proximity to Fort Drum. Soldiers would come to me with sketches on the back of napkins, etc. totally out of proportion and hideous. I would look them sternly in the face and tell them that we didn't do "ugly" here and would guide them to a much more appropriate design for their gift to their commander and they were grateful for the help. Private customers from the general public, were determined that they knew what was right, we would spend hours picking the right matting and it would, invariably, be what I had suggested in the first place. I don't care at all what millennials pick, I just take their money.

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Jun 4, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

As a screw merchant veteran myself....."the customer is always right but they WILL be punished for their arrogance!"

We need a sound track for Kackles.


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Jun 4, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

And sell them the good carbide tipped blade

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Jun 4, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

Make sure you still give them detailed instructions

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Jun 4, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

OMG! ROTFL! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Jun 4, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

A lot of people that i know that know I've been a RN for years ask me dumb ass questions. Recently the daughter and son-in-law of my client have been asking me advice about their sickly cat. Mind you that they have spent close to 10K with emergency vets, hospitalization and specialist, but think I have the solution. I an so tire of being diplomatic telling them that I'm not a vet. They wanted to know if they could give it Tylenol.

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