Social security is a rip off. So many people pay into it their whole lives and then die before they even get a dime. We should move away from that model. Of course that would be a long phase out, but if we incentivize people to save for their own retirement, they would fare far better.

People that think it’s their money are sadly mistaken. If it were truly your money, you’d be able to will it to your children. We’re not allowed to talk about changing anything about it, because we get bludgeoned every time.

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Long ago people were fed up and wanted out of SS to invest on their own. Obozo stole millions to put in food stamp program. He belongs in prison

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Always project on the opposite party what you plan to do yourselves. There are plenty of simps out there who will believe it.

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It's called PROJECTION. a rahm emanuel trick perfected by feminists and hillary.

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