It is about time someone demanded an apology from justice Sotomayor for her conflict of interest and the ethics it takes not to recuse herself from cases where she has a financial relationship --- Oh wait, that's not what Hillary is crowing about????? Are we sure????

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A twatgoblin can't change it's spots.

This person is allegedly responsible for numerous unsolved murders and alleged suicides...watch your back G.

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Calgon, take this away..

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That woman wouldn’t know what ethics was if it slapped her across the face. As a matter of fact she needs a good slap!

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I always whinny when I hear Killary speak.

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Poor Clarence Thomas, he's really in their cross hairs. Hope he doesn't get Scalia'd

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So some socialistic clown believes the queen of subversion comments should be recognized as legal tender for an ethics comment on the Supreme Court πŸ’•πŸ’• more like asking Luck Luciano if he thought his control unions to ww2 warrant a place in the appeals court as a judgeπŸ‘ when is the ethics and moral if the media going to match its responsibility πŸš‘πŸš‘πŸ€Όβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€Όβ€β™€οΈβ€οΈ

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