Trump knew what Chiinnaa was up to and that is why the left and the rinos were against him. They were making money easing china into american business and real estate and Trump knew it was not in our best interest. They will never admit any wrong doing, they never do. Just be glad that there are a few Americans in congress who care about it. Whether it is too late to do anything at this point, who knows but it would require national reclamations of ALL chinese holdings within our borders and within our overseas holdings and I don't think we have the political fire power to do that.

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Demorats have made millions from China. Soros and gates made billions. Fauci deep into Wuhan Lab. Organized gates pandemic.

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It's not that FJB doesn't k kw the threat, he on the take from the CCP. He's bought & paid for.

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If each and every true American stopped purchasing ANYTHING made in china or assembled from parts made in china we could put the immediate hurt on them but I truly do not think most good Americans have that stiff of a backbone to suffer the discomfiture this would entail.

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Spot on Glenn!

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