Feb 14, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

Remember when the good president had lowered the cost of insulin to a reasonable number and then ole sniffy signed an EO to cancel that? I do.

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What is her deal with the ugly dime store decor?

She has terrible taste and I bet she’s not very palatable either.

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Feb 14, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

She goes from wearing frumpy florals to trying to wear leather, fishnet stockings and boots. She’s a fashion plate, just ask the press. In her mind she really thinks she’s the prettiest FLOTUS ever.

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Maybe she’s schizophrenic!

Jill is her dominant-She’s a respectable grandma putting up conversation hearts for the grandchildren, and walking along the beach while her deteriorating husband tosses a ball for WH prop dog #3.

They were going to name that dog Pal so Joe could occasionally call him by the right name, but Jill’s other personality, Ramona, named the dog.

Ramona’s the one who likes to dress like a past-her-prime hooker, and she named him Commander, because she really gets hot calling him Commie.

There’s a rumor going around Ramona spends a lot of time alone in the residence with the dog.

The staff can periodically hear the cries of, “oh, no, no, no, Commie don’t stop!” throughout the day, and chef said the household seems to be going through a curious amount of peanut butter lately.

I don’t want to make any inferences, but the dog has some wicked peanut butter breath, and has recently taken to smoking cigarettes.🤷🏻‍♀️

How did that go there?

I have no idea what is wrong with me tonight. 😂

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🤣😂🤣 Lisa you’re bad! Just spit coffee everywhere!

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Feb 14, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

My favorite is the one it’s over Joey! More drink spit on phone. Glen, You’re getting close on owing me a fifth. I enjoy Captain or Crown. 😉🍹🥃

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Feb 14, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

I laughed so hard at the Jill/Alice Cooper one

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Feb 14, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

I watched the GMA interview, Pelosi with Lil' Georgie. Why is it he never interrupts the leftholes when they're lying their arses off?

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Feb 14, 2022Liked by PCS Nation

Slick Willy looks like he just slammed a volunteer on the BBQ circuit in AR! The Brow!!!😉

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